Sunday, August 24, 2014

{travels} Filipino Night Market, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

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More from our anniversary celebration at Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. After hitting the open air night market, we went to the Filipino Night Market to have dinner, palengke-style.

The Filipino Night Market is a set-up of make-shift tents at Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. It happens every night beside the Waterfront and the Handicrafts market. This area is said to popular with the tourists but not with the locals, since locals think the place is not very hygienic. But we still saw plenty of locals eating there.

We ordered the super famous Nasi Goreng (Chicken Fried Rice) and Mee Goreng (Chicken Fried Noodle), with complimentary soup. We also ordered green apple shake (Epal) and red syrup juice (Sirap) from this Muslim Filipina vendor who prepared the green apple shake with her bare hand whilst preparing a.b.c. (like halo-halo), receiving bills, handing out change and doing other stuff. Super clean!!!

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