Monday, December 1, 2014

{food finds} The Cliffhouse Tagaytay

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Mike and I spent the Chinese New Year holiday this year food-tripping at Tagaytay with our then three-month old Terrynator. We practically spent the whole morning eating (Breakfast at Antonio's then Bag of Beans). Naturally, by lunch time, we were still full. To while away the time, we enjoyed the cool breeze, bright sunlight and great view of the Taal volcano at The Cliffhouse.

I was still getting used to shooting with Ewan, so I got to practice by having a mini-photo shoot.

It was a bright and laid back two hours with my boys. Mike was also able to get a few shots of me with Nate, but this one is my favorite of the bunch.

When we finally felt slightly hungry, we decided to have a late and light lunch at Buon Giorno (see next post), one of several eating joints at The Cliffhouse.

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