Friday, December 19, 2014

{family} Nate at Paradizoo

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Nate loooooves animals. So when we stayed overnight at a relative's house in Mendez, Cavite, we decided to swing by Paradizoo on our way home. But before going to Paradizoo, we had brunch with our Ninong Willy at Breakfast at Antonio's. The first time we were there, the little one was just three months old! Time zips by too fast when you have a tiny tot.

Anyway, back to our quick trip. Paradizoo is owned by the same group that runs Residence Inn. It has an Animal Farm (the farm boasts of some "special" animals like a 5-legged cow, miniature horses, a wild boar that they have tamed, and a hybrid goat lamb that we could not find), a Flower Garden, a Vegetable Farm, and even a pet cemetery dubbed as "Perpetual Park." You can purchase carrots and feeds to give the animals, ride the miniature horse for a fee, or hire a tour guide. Since we just wanted to see if Nate would be responsive to seeing the animals, we just paid the entrance fee and helped ourselves at the Animal Farm.

So did Nate enjoy Paradizoo? He seemed pleased and interested, but not as excited as I thought he would be. This is the same kid who would chase stray cats and dogs, so I thought he'd be a little more receptive to being that close to the animals. I think he found the farm animals too quiet for his liking, because when he saw the noisy ducks, he suddenly got excited. Then again, he just woke up from his nap at the time, so maybe he just wasn't in the mood yet.

Overall, I think Paradizoo was ok, but seems to have been neglected. It's worth checking out if you have children who are interested in animals. Is it big? Not at all. Did it smell? Yes, but then again, you've got animals all over, and they're bound to poop every minute. Also, if the sun is out and the weather is not too cool, going there mid-day may not be a good idea (you'll see trickles of sweat in some of my pictures with Nate, hehe..)

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