Tuesday, September 30, 2014

{randoms} My DIY ala Gordy Lug-Mount and String Wrist Straps

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I wanted to purchase a red Gordy lug-mount wrist strap for Ewan (Fuji X-E1). But it was out-of-stock at the affordable online reseller that I contacted, while the other reseller was selling it for a premium (she said Gordy had also raised his prices). By some happy accident, I saw that Mr. Sparks threw away his old leather belt and I also found two metal rings which fitted Ewan’s lug-mount. So I decided to make my own Gordy lug-mount wrist strap, minus the O-ring. I really love crafts and DIY, so this was right up my alley.

First, I made a red lug-mount wrist strap for Ewan, which matched the super steal red softie I got from ebay. Since I had an extra metal ring, I made a funky orange and blue lug-mount wrist strap for Fiji (Fuji X10). The wrist straps ended up just the way I wanted, and I saved PhP2,000 (PhP1,000 per strap) in the process!

DIY red lug-mount wrist strap for Ewan
DIY orange and blue lug-mount wrist strap for Fiji

I had a lot of left-over leather material. Since Mr. Sparks and I had a circle of friends who also liked taking photos, I decided to make more wrist straps to give out as Christmas gifts. I didn’t have any more metal rings to make lug-mount straps, so I just made string wrist straps in our friends’ favorite colors.

DIY wrist straps for our friends
DIY gift boxes & gift tags

Since I was on a crafting spree, I also made gift boxes & gift tags from discarded brown envelopes from my office. I finished the gift packages off with brown ribbon which I kept from a gift which we received last year. Hope our friends like our hand-made gifts!

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