Wednesday, October 1, 2014

{family} Officially a Nanay

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I got a Fujifilm X-E1, which I have nicknamed "Ewan," specifically to take nice pictures of my growing family with shallow DOF. But when it came to choosing which camera to lend to the hospital staff who will document my baby's delivery, I figured that Fiji (my trusty Fuji X10) would still be the better camera, since Fiji’s EXR mode is absolutely awesome. It turned out to be a good move! This my tender moment with Nate captured by the hospital staff.

I am his first kiss!

IP Shot: Who owns the copyright over this photo? Here, the general rule applies: the author owns the work. So the hospital staff who took the photo owns the copyright over the photo. Why do I have the right to use it? If not implied consent, then I would argue fair use. :)

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