Tuesday, July 22, 2014

52/52 Photo Project (2012): Self-Portrait

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To cap off the year, my last assignment for my 52 weeks photo project for 2012 was “Self-Portrait.”
"TRAVEL" is the word that best described my 2012. It was that year when my husband and I traveled extensively. We went to Hong Kong and Macau, which was our first out-of-the-country trip together. This trip was followed immediately by a trip to Singapore and Kota Kinabalu. We’ve also had several domestic trips to places in the Philippines that we have never been to. And we capped off the year by spending Christmas in Bohol, another first for my family. Hence, my itchy (& dirty) feet reflect the me of 2012.

Yey! Done with my Project 52! On to more shots and IP.

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